Tula Pink's City Sampler: 100 Modern Quilt Blocks [Paperback]

- By Tula Pink
- Publication Date: May 15, 2013
- Publisher: David & Charles (May 15, 2013)
- Paperback: 256 pages
- Language: English
- Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds
- About Author: Author of Quilts from the House of Tula Pink, Tula Pink has become an icon of the fabric and quilt work. She designed her first fabric collection in her living room in L.A., after work and on weekends. The day she left her job in L.A., she sent it into Moda Fabrics and by the time she got to Albuquerque, it was in production. Tula was a Senior Designer with Moda, as well as having her own design label with them. She produced 6 collections under that label, including the incredibly popular Neptune and Plume collections. As of August 2010, she works with FreeSpirit (home to the likes of Joel Dewberry, Anna Maria Horner, Heather Bailey, Jenean Morrison and Valori Wells). Her fabrics are designed not just for quilting, but for a whole lifestyle of DIY-ers with a passion for saying things like "Hey, look what I made" or "Don't sit on that, it's still wet."
- Tula Pink gives you an inspiring quilt block collection with Tula Pink's City Sampler. Make a beautiful, modern quilt of your own design with the 100 original quilt blocks or try one of the 5 city-themed sampler quilts designed by Tula.
- A note from Tula: You will notice...that the blocks are not named but simply numbered. This is intentional. I may have designed the blocks and given you the instructions on what to cut and where to stitch, but I have not infused the blocks with any meaning. This is your quilt. The fabrics that you choose, the colors that you use and why you are making it are what will give the quilt a purpose. Name your blocks, write in the margins, cross out the ones that you don't like, draw hearts around the ones that you love. In a perfect world, everyone's book would ......
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